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Day Night Honeycomb Blinds embellish your home

Views: 501     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-10-20      Origin: Site

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Day night arbitrarily switch what kind of fairy blinds is this

Many sis get into entanglement when choosing blinds. They want to have shading and privacy protection, but also want to enjoy the sun and the beautiful scenery outside the window at the same time...


The recently explosive day and night honeycomb blinds is such a fairy blinds.

Upgraded from honeycomb blinds, it is composed of two kinds of fabrics. The upper fabric is made of gauze fabric, while the lower fabric still maintains the original characteristics of honeycomb blinds. It combines light-proof and light-transmitting honeycomb blinds into one. The double identities of day blinds and night blinds, adapt to the different light needs of day and night, achieve dual purpose of one blinds.

When the upper gauze is fully opened, the whole curtain is in a completely transparent state, and the indoor natural light is sufficient. Because the gauze filters, the strong sunlight is transformed into soft light, making the sunlight extremely soft, and the light is not transparent.

The night blinds still maintains the original characteristics of the honeycomb blinds. The fully shading material not only shields the light but also protects privacy, creating a private space for the interior, and the lower fabric can stay at any position, so that the room can protect the privacy while at the same time. Bathing in the sun.

The use ratio of different fabrics can be adjusted up and down according to the needs of life and work during the day and night, and the lighting can be controlled as you like, so that the room can be bathed in sunlight while protecting privacy.

The day and night honeycomb curtains are also very convenient. Usually, you only need to use a feather duster or a soft material cleaning tool to clean, or use a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer with soft bristles to clean it. The hair dryer is recommended to use cold air.

 Honeycomb blinds

Honeycomb blinds

Honeycomb blinds

Honeycomb blinds

Honeycomb blinds

Honeycomb blinds