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HOT TRENDS : Temporary Window Coverings

Views: 107     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-08-18      Origin: Site

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When you just moved in your new home? 

The Temporary Window Treatments For Your New Home.


In this post, we’re going to take a look at how to add privacy to any window without using curtains or blinds:


If you have recently moved?


When unpacking your new home, one of the first things is : that may come to your mind is the fact that you need new window coverings.


Maybe you’re not in the market for new  treatments yet , or you want some time to think about your options before making a permanent choice.


Either way, you need to know the good temporary window treatments that you can use right away.  


Temporary Window Blinds For Your Home


Before you decide what permanent window treatments you want to purchase, you can go to our web site and purchase ready-made blinds for short-term .

Simple use a utility knife to cut them according to your window size and attach them with the sticky adhesive in the upper part of the shade. It only takes a few moments to do and will hold you over until you make a long-term investment in shades.




You are waiting for your bespoke shutters to arrive – you appreciate they have to be built to order and will take some time, but in the meantime I’m desperate for some privacy!  You’ve got old sheets pegged up at the moment and it looks terrible!  You thought of buying cheap roller blinds but is there anything else?  Martina


YES!! A perfect temporary solution is pleated paper window blinds, which simply stick in place with double-sided tape, once you’ve cut them to size with scissors or a knife.  


They’re almost as smart as proper pleated fabric blinds, and come in basic neutral colors, and a blackout version, along with white.  They’re ideal as temporary window screens when you’re decorating, when you’ve just moved home, or if you suddenly need blackout at the window for yourself.


And there are times when Window Treatments or Blinds would throw off the entire vibe of the room, and yet things feel really open.

Of course,If you have a smaller window, frosted glass works great. You may not want to put half a curtain up or fit tiny blinds onto a smaller window, but by frosting the glass you can keep a lot of the natural, indirect sunlight without giving people an easy view into your home. Frosted glass can either be done in more elaborate ways with texturing techniques, or you can buy some simple supplies from an arts and crafts store and do a DIY frosted glass situation.


Luckily for the all the natural light and privacy enthusiasts , there are plenty of room-specific ways to block off a little bit of the outside world while still maximizing the amount of light that you get in the room.