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How To Take Window Blinds Off A Window ?

Views: 112     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-09-13      Origin: Site

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There are multiple types of blinds, and each one can have a different mounting system. Broken or grimy blinds sometimes need to be taken down. 

Broken or grimy blinds sometimes need to be taken down.

No matter what kind of blinds you have, removing them is a simple process that requires only a couple of tools. Window Blinds generally have mounting clips or a spring-loaded roller. 

When we have them down, give them a thorough cleaning or replace them to freshen up our home.

Opening the Blinds and Headrail

1.Pull horizontal blinds and roll-up blinds all the way up. 

Most horizontal blinds and roll-up blinds come with a pull string.

Pull the string down toward you and to the left. If you don’t see a cord, tug the blinds down instead. 

Raise the blinds until they are up against the headrail.

For instance, Roman blinds may not come with a pull string. Roman blinds are fabric coverings attached to a roller.

Pull the blinds up to make them easier to handle when you remove them. 

You may also need to access brackets behind the headrail, which is easier once the blinds are out of the way.

2.Rotate the vanes to half-open if you have vertical blinds. 

vertical blinds

Vertical blinds are a little different and don’t retract. Instead, use the rotating rod or bead chain to open the vanes. Position the vanes so they are perpendicular to the headrail.

Rotating the vanes protects them from damage and helps you reach the clips locking them to the headrail.

If you're planning on saving the blinds to reuse them, you will need to remove the vanes before dismounting the headrail.

3.Press the clips to lift the valance if the headrail has one. 

vertical blinds

A valance is a decorative cover on the front of a headrail. Examine the ends of the valence to find the small clips securing it in place.

Push the bottom edge of the valence down, then attempt to pull it off the headrail. 

If the valence doesn’t snap off, lift the bottom edge again, then use a flathead screwdriver to pry the clip off of it.

The valence clips get exposed to constant sunlight, so be careful when opening them. Old clips can be very brittle.

4.Check the headrail to find out how it attaches to the wall brackets.

Horizontal and Venetian blinds

Climb up on a ladder, if necessary, to find the brackets underneath or beside the headrail. 

No matter what kind of blinds you have, there are several different ways they could be installed. 

Most headrails have clips that attach to brackets screwed into the wall. Other types of blinds have a spring system that pops off the wall.

Horizontal and Venetian blinds generally have open or closed clips, making the headrail easy to slide off the brackets.

Vertical blinds tend to have clips you need to press. Some headrails screw directly to the wall.

Roman and cellular blinds often have spring systems, although some versions also have a tab that latches onto mounting brackets.

Roller blinds often have spring-loaded mounts that can be released by using a screwdriver or turning a disk on the roller.