Yes, Our factory offer three types of bottom weights, including Weights and chains, Chainless weights and Chainless sealed-in weights.
Weights and chains---- as a first regular option for vertical blinds. Weights and chains will prevent excess movement of your blinds, which is useful if you like to keep your windows open.
Chainless weights – as the name suggests, this weight option won’t have any chains at the bottom of your blinds. This is a perfect option if you have kids or mischievous pets in your home. Plus, you don’t have to worry about dust build-up on the chains.
Chainless sealed-in weights – containing a hidden metal weight, the bonded-shut chainless weight option is great for creating a clean, sleek look for your vertical blinds. With no break in the fabric, and with no chains, this finish is great for preventing damage, plus you don’t have to worry about dusting them.