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Why Should You Invest in Switchable Film Technology?

Views: 573     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-03-15      Origin: Site

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Through the use of artificial intelligence, the switchable film—a groundbreaking Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals—technology was created. Changing the optical appearance of opaque glass to transparent in real time is the primary goal of switchable film.

Although you may not be familiar with this technology, you may have heard of names such as electronic control film, switchable film, dimming glass, privacy glass, and glass using PDLC (Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals) technology.

These smart film may be applied to existing glass surfaces, unlike Smart Glass, which is expensive because of its production and delivery costs.

Switchable PDLC Smart Film

Why Using Smart Film For Your Project Is the Best Option

The benefits of selecting Smart Film are suggested by a number of variables. The benefits are the same and function just as well in any setting, whether you decide to have it at home or at the office.

Privacy On Demand

Does your office need to be shielded from obliging bystanders? Do you need a barrier to assist you control how private you wish to be? Should such be the case, switchable film technology offers an excellent remedy. It is a thin coating that may be applied on mirrors, doors, windows, and other surfaces.

Increasing Work Productivity

Open-plan workspaces are great for building rapport and promoting interaction among your employees. On the other hand, you must provide your staff privacy if you want them to be effective and productive. This is where switchable film comes in handy, enhancing productivity and offering privacy.

Protection From UV Rays

Even while we love the sun's warmth and beauty, too much exposure to it might be bad for our health. More than 98% of UV rays are blocked by the switchable film, protecting against sun-related skin problems such non-cancerous, pre-cancerous, and malignant conditions.

Eliminates The Need For Blinds | Shades | Window Treatments

It is easy to understand and especially helpful for the healthcare industry, as traditional fabric curtains can contain germs and viruses. In contrast, switchable film is a very effective option because of its privacy qualities and capacity to deactivate airborne viruses.

Smart Electronic Film

Protecting Furniture

By filtering out over 98% of UV rays, switchable film may protect your indoor furnishings from fading, aging, and damage. We are sure that this benefit will allow you to save money on your office remodeling budget.


Smart film uses 0.07 to 0.10 watts per square foot, making it a sustainable solution that reduces heating and cooling costs.

HD Projection

These switchable films also has the benefit of HD projection. Presentations may be shown on the Smart Film surface in boardrooms, workplaces, and conference rooms as a projection screen. Moreover, it may function as a screen to display exclusive offers, rebates, and freebies on the windows of your physical business. This is a shrewd, modern, and stylish way to draw in more customers and boost revenue.

A Touch Of Luxury

Lastly, these smart film offers an opulent and fashionable appearance that is unforgettable.

You may switch between sun protection mode, which creates a milky white appearance on the glass surfaces, and brilliant sunshine in your office with only a single click on a remote control.

By selecting switchable film for sun protection, you can keep the office bright and avoid it from being too dark and gloomy.

pdlc smart film

Get in contact with us to learn how our switchable film products may provide the ideal solution for your house or place of business.